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The Hunt for Black October

"Three blogs in three days? At the beginning of the week? ARE YOU INSANE?!?"

Possibly. Thanks for asking. Consider it an advance for the eventual Friday when I'm feeling too busy or under-motivated to make it happen. (That's not an excuse to be lazy, I just know myself well enough to anticipate that it will eventually happen.) Also, as a bit of a shock to me, things have gone kind of nuts since "Ash to Ashes" went to print. There's plenty to write about at the moment. Who knew?

So here's the deal:

I self-published a book. It's been an awesome experience. In my fully biased and (uncharacteristically) non-self-critical evaluation, it's a pretty fantastic book. I mean, seriously I've read it how many times, and I'm not sick of it yet. In fact, I still laugh my head off at my own jokes...which may also answer the question asked above.

If you're reading this, chances are you've either read "Ash to Ashes" (High Five!), bought the book (You're my hero! No, seriously.), taken a general interest in me or my work (Hi! How ya doin?), or stumbled on this page as a dare or recommendation from a friend (You poor, poor, unassuming soul.).

It takes a lot for me to ask for help (understatement; you have no idea). But I DO, in fact, need Your help (yes you, the one with the face and the nose reading this blog). All of you, working together in a big ol' kumbaya, circle the wagons, rally the soldiers, building community spirit way can help not-so-little old me immensely. It doesn't even take a lot of effort! (SCORE!) Here's how to help in five easy steps:

1. Buy "Ash to Ashes, Chronicles of Chalisaria: Volume One". This one's pretty obvious, but it's an awesome first step! (See above; still my hero, no spandex or cape required!)

2. Read ""Ash to Ashes, Chronicles of Chalisaria: Volume One". Trust me. It's totally worth the time, and laughs, and tears, and excitement. (I'm telling you, the book is awesome.)

3. Go back to Amazon (preferably after you've read some or all of the book) and do that two minute review! Give me some stars! Give a quick (or long) opinion in that little review box! (I mean, seriously, who doesn't like sharing their opinion on the internet these days?) Amazon may even send you a handy-dandy link in your email to take you right to it! It's so easy!

*PSA Note* This one is HUGE for an independent author--all of us, not just me. The number of people who see the book as a recommendation on Amazon is based on the number of reviews a book has! We literally live and die professionally by that number.

*Addendum* Please don't spam reviews on Amazon. Bad things happen. ALL THE BAD THINGS!

4. Do that social thing! Share the links below on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, personal webpage, whatever the current trend is (Because I'm just old enough to be totally out of the loop, is LiveJournal still a thing?). Talk to your friends! Geek out with them about how cool the book is. Share who your favorite characters are. Spaz out about that one scene where Ashton *spoilers* or when Mr. Grumbly *spoilers*! I totally give you permission to geek out! That's kind of the point. So geek on my brothers and sisters! Spread the word far and wide! If you're enthusiastic about the book, I guarantee you'll find other people who are or will be too.

5. Politely suggest to your friends and family that they follow the same steps above so that we can all share in this adventure together! This is how a fandom starts. Fandoms are mysterious and powerful things. Fandoms are how graphic novels, movies, web-series, (a musical please, God, a musical!), fan art, cosplay, and life-long friendships come into existence. (That last one might actually be adopting a dog, but whatever.)

By your powers combined, I AM... much less likely to have to return to cubicle world (or sell my book from a refrigerator box on the street). Pro-tip: If you've read the book and are dying to see what happens next without a seven year gap (hint, it's already planned as a six book series, with even more spinoff adventures cropping up as I go!), me returning to cubicle world or retail land would be a terrible blow to the likelihood of that being answered any time soon. Keep "The Chronicles of Chalisaria" growing. Keep this writer going. Keep those likes and shares flowing... Ok, I'll stop now.

Here are the links!

Amazon in the U.S.:

Amazon in Canada:

Amazon in the UK:

Kindle Edition is coming soon! (Estimated launch is May 9, 2017)

My website with links to this blog:

The Chronicles of Chalisaria Facebook Page:

YOU Could Save the World (of Chalisaria... from massive delays)!

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