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First off, let me say a huge "THANK YOU!" to everyone who has purchased or recommended "Ash to Ashes"! You folks are awesome, and I appreciate it so much!

As of right now (10:53 PM, 5/6/17), "Ash to Ashes" has officially been available for 10 days. The initial response has been phenomenal for a first book, better than I could have imagined. I've received messages of support, encouragement, and congratulations from friends and family via Facebook, messenger, and texts. I've been tagged on Facebook with some fantastic photos of people who have purchased and received their very own copy of "Ash to Ashes." Every time I see one of these pictures I get excited. My book in your hands, waiting to be read-it's a beautiful thing, my friends. You have all made this an amazing launch!

I'm realizing there's a factor I failed to account for as I've checked my sales and reviews throughout the last week. Unlike watching a movie or sampling music, everybody has their own reading pace and time constraints. I may have sold 50 books in the first week (THANK YOU EVERYBODY!), but that doesn't mean people have had a chance to actually read the book yet. If most of my readers have had a crazy week like I have, it's going to take time to get through the book and form an opinion. Given I actually want people to enjoy the book and not feel rushed, I'm holding off on getting pushy about asking for the reviews and feedback I need to keep momentum going.

It all comes back to the old adage of, "This is a marathon, not a race." I keep trying to remind myself of that, but it's a challenge sometimes.

In the meantime, I would ask that people help me keep the home fires burning. Share the links. Tell your friends, family, and coworkers. If you don't think it matters, understand that most of my recent sales at the end of this week have come from word of mouth recommendations. If you're reading "Ash to Ashes" on a lunch break and let a reaction slip, don't be embarrassed if a friend or coworker asks what you're reading or what's so funny. Talk to them. Tell them about the book. Tell them about me (if you know me personally or you've met me at an event). You'd be amazed who might actually take an interest. (You might even make a new friend!) I'm not saying you have to become my personal sales rep, mercy no. I'm just saying, talking about a book is a good topic of conversation, especially if it's one you like.

Social media may keep me in contact with folks, but YOU, my friends, are my connection to new and potential readers. Your Amazon reviews, your enthusiasm, and your willingness to share your knowledge of "Ash to Ashes" with the people you know is a huge part of what will make this book a success. So, kind of like He-Man or She-Ra, "You have the POOOOOWWWWEEEEEEEERRRR!!!!"

Here's the link to the Amazon site for both the paperback and the Kindle version that launched Wednesday!

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