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The 100!

So, I've been running around like a crazy person this week. Well, crazier, anyway. Fortunately that doesn't involve me forgetting to wear clothes or making hats out of tinfoil. It does involve me chasing down leads for promotional events. (I'll be adding a calendar to my website soon so everybody can follow along. By everybody I mean me, because I get really lost without visual cues to remind me to do things.)

ADD THESE EVENTS NOW to your calendars and phone app reminder thingies and come see me live and in person! I'll even sign your book! Or I'll sell you a book and sign it. Either way works for me, really. I'm pretty flexible for a husky 30-something-year-old guy.

Saturday, June 24, 2017 1 PM - 4 PM (CST): Cornerstone Coffee Haus: Author Sign and Greet

421 Main Street, Seneca KS

Friday, July 28, 2017 5:30 PM- 9 PM (CST): 2nd Annual Seneca Street Festival

Main Street, Downtown Seneca, KS. I'll either be back at Cornerstone Coffee Haus (because I like cappuccinos and Air Conditioning in JULY) or outside Seneca Variety next door.

Saturday, September 9, & Sunday, September 10, 2017 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (CST):

Topcon Geek Expo, Kansas Expo Centre Ag hall, #1 Expocentre Drive, Topeka, Kansas 66612

Saturday, September 23, 2017 10 AM - 6 PM (CST): Little Apple Comic Expo (LACE)

KSU Student Union, 918 N. 17th Street Manhattan, KS 66506

So excited to get out there and expose myself!


Uh...wait. No. I meant to get exposure for the book; to get Ash to Ashes to a wider audience!

My God, they'll let anybody write a blog these days, won't they?

In other news:

That's right, folks, we hit our first sales milestone! Last weekend Ash to Ashes marked ONE HUNDRED COPIES SOLD!!!

I even found a flaming 100 image to celebrate. How cool is that?

Special thanks to everybody who made this 100 sales mark possible! A REALLY BIG THANKS to the people who went to Amazon and left a review already! (Whether or not it posted may be another story. I'm still a bit salty on that issue.)

If you've had issues getting a review to post on Amazon (or even if you haven't posted a review yet), you can also post a review on Good Reads or at our official Facebook page here:

Of course, as a number of you have found out, nothing beats good ol' fashion talking to people. Tell people what you're reading and odds are they'll get interested, especially if you seem excited about it. *hint, hint, nudge, nudge, wink, wink*

If you haven't purchased your copy of Ash to Ashes: Chronicles of Chalisaria Volume One yet, you can still get your copy at Amazon HERE (paperback) or through the Kindle App store (e-book). Let's blaze a trail to 200!

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