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It's the Holiday Season!

Tis the season to be to be holly jolly, merry and bright, and most of all generous in good will towards men, women, and all of the folks somewhere in between.

That's right, the ghosts and goblins have gone into retreat, the turkeys have gobbled their last, and we are officially on that mad horse race towards Christmas/Yule/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/whatever other holiday flavor I'm missing. Black Friday and Cyber Monday have come and gone. Wishlist letter's to the judgmental bearded man (not me, the other guy) are being written by little ones (suddenly remembering it's important to be "good" for at least one month out of the year). I'd mention the cheerful holiday decorations, but we've been seeing that crap in the stores since August. Christmas music is everywhere and playing on repeat (because sex and holiday cheer both sell, though not typically at the same time).

Despite my cynical tone, I'm actually pretty jazzed about this holiday season. The lights, the music, and the decorations have stealthily crept into my Grinchy little heart like a festive team of assassins. This year, unlike the last few years, I find myself a little more nostalgic, a little more sentimental, and even a bit hopeful for the holiday. I didn't even need a squad of time-traveling ghosts to convince me to stop being a humbug. It just kind of happened.

It's the season of giving, and, as my cover photo for this post suggests, I have a GREAT IDEA of what would make a special gift for your friends and loved ones this year! You might have heard of it, it's this amazing fantasy book called Ash to Ashes: Chronicles of Chalisaria Volume One. It's the perfect gift idea for your literate friends and family out there who enjoy adventure and humor. You can order it at and get it delivered with plenty of time to spare HERE! ($16.99 for paperback or $6.99 for the Kindle edition. Pick up both editions and you can get the e-book for only $.99! What a bargain!)

If you're in the Seneca, KS area, I'd also like to mention that I have a number of paperback copies available if you prefer to get an autographed book directly from me. Just send me a message through Facebook Messenger, Twitter, or email me at , and we'll get you fixed up with what you need to check off that shopping list. It's really that simple.

So whether you're getting a gift for your favorite bookworm, filling out the book section of that "something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read" gift guide, or looking for something to do after lighting the candles on the menorah each night, be sure to pick up Ash to Ashes: Chronicles of Chalisaria Volume One for your holiday needs!

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