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Shenanigans ReDeux...

Forgive me Ken Willmeth!

All right...

So it has been brought to my attention that the questions for the original contest posted on Sunday were more than a little challenging if your not... oh... say.. ME.

So here's the deal. I'm offering a revised question list. A second shot. Easier questions. Less of them.

E-mail me the answers before Midnight on Thursday 4/26/18 for your chance to win a limited edition t-shirt.

Copy and paste the questions into an email.

Subject: Anniversary Game!

E-mail them with your answers to

On Friday 4/27/18 I'll draw the winner from my valid entries and announce the winners.

I'll also e-mail the winners directly to verify mailing or delivery addresses.

Get it? Got it? Good. Go for it!

The questions:

1. Who is your favorite character or characters in Ash to Ashes and why?

2. Do you have a favorite scene in Ash to Ashes? Tell me about it!

3. Any other fun or interesting reactions/stories you have related to reading Ash to Ashes?

4. What is your t-shirt size?

5. Have you done a review on Amazon, Good Reads, the official Chronicles of Chalisaria Facebook page, or any other reviewing platform? (A "no" answer does not disqualify you from this drawing! But please consider doing a review! I'd love to hear from you! Thanks!)


But Wait!

There's more!

I didn't spend an hour typing up my first question list for nothing... oh no. I'm far too busy to waste my time for nothing. (Books don't edit or format themselves, ya know!)

If you have the fortitude... the tenacity... the gumption... the sheer FORCE OF WILL that it takes to complete the original question list found on the original contest post (linked below), I have something extra special in mind for you, oh yes:

Bonus swag? A signed copy of Wolfkin: A Fairy's Tail mailed to your address?

I did say in the last post that I appreciate effort, did I not?

*The answer is yes. Yes, I did.*

So follow the link HERE for the chance to win Bigger. You Can Do It!

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