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Where to Next?

Map of Chalisaria

Wolfkin: A Fairy's Tail went to print May 26, 2018. I tell you what, folks. It's a good feeling. All that work, worry, and waiting finally paid off. The book is published and making it's way slowly into the world. I'm hoping it lives up to or exceeds the expectations of folks who read Ash to Ashes, but I know that it's out of my hands in that regard. All I can do is attempt to promote both books and see where it goes from here.

Which leaves me with a bit of a quandary: Where do I go from here?

Don't get me wrong. I know what the next volume is and what happens in it. I've known that much for years now. I also know I need to finish the short story I've been working on during Wolfkin's publication process. All of this in good time, of course.

No. Where my uncertainty sits currently is in how to promote not one, but two books. I've made this complaint before, but promotional efforts seem to be a weak point for me. I write this Blog to stay active and visible. I post to Facebook and Twitter, but that doesn't ensure that I get seen thanks to current program analytics and Facebook's cash grabbing interference in marketing efforts. Even attending conventions only provides a small boost to sales and visibility (frequently leading to a loss in money rather than a gain or breaking even). There are plenty of authors at each event competing for customers. Convention goers are pretty hard pressed financially these days. It makes for a bad combination when you're sitting on the vendor side of the table.

I have plans to do a local coffee shop event again this summer. TopCon Geek Expo is in September in Topeka. I need to follow up with a book signing event in Manhattan, KS at a bookstore in the mall. The manager at Bam! Books seemed pretty excited to make that a possibility, most likely when K-State is returning to classes in the fall.

Obviously, I'm not without options. It just seems like such a daunting process to fuel up and drive the hype train once again. It requires a degree of extroversion and ambitious gumption that aren't natural to my default setting. But, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do.

In the mean time, tell you're friends! Tell your neighbors! Tell your librarians! Tell your teachers! Tell everybody! Wolfkin: A Fairy's Tail is available NOW! Ash to Ashes is available NOW! Join the adventures in Chalisaria! We'll see you on the other side!

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