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Feeling Moved...

I'm feeling motivated at the moment. Not necessarily motivated to write., mind you. More like, I'm feeling motivated to go through my belongings and toss out a bunch of stuff I don't use or need (again). This motivation is spawned by the three Ibuprofen I just took and the ice pack I currently have strapped to my lower back. This motivation comes from helping a neighbor load up a moving truck today and watching the group slowly recognize that, "Oh, crap. We're nowhere close to fitting everything on this truck." This motivation comes from the recognition that I'm now seven years in the same apartment (a personal record) and when I eventually move again, I really don't want to mess with packing up and loading a bunch of junk that friends and family will look at and say "Jesus, Jones, why do you still have this stuff?" Besides which, my apartment is pretty well crammed to maximum capacity. There may be legitimate safety concerns to consider at this point. My decorating style seems to be "There appears to have been a struggle." At the very least, I could certainly benefit from some decluttering. Possibly an exorcism. Probably an intervention by the EPA. One step at a time, though, I guess.

Progress is being made on Book 3. Slow progress, but progress. My time is split between creating new written content and reviewing audio tracks for the upcoming "Wolfkin" audiobook. I also took time to release "Goblin Games" as an e-book through Kindle. I blew most of Saturday trying to set the manuscript up for print edition only to find out that KDP (formerly CreateSpace) requires a minimum page count of 25 pages (I suspected as much but wasn't sure). With that in mind, I now have motivation to write a few more Halloween themed shorts and release them together in a collection so they can eventually go to print. What fun!

Assuming I can get my lower back put back into place by then, I'll be returning to Cornerstone Coffee Haus on Saturday November 10, 2018 from 4-8 PM. The Seneca Chamber of Commerce is hosting "Ladies Night Out" again, and Aaron and Amy have been gracious enough to let me tag along for the event. I'll have copies of "Ash to Ashes," "Wolfkin," and "The Nine Lives of Benjamin Finch." I'm not planning on bringing my full table setup, this time, so be sure to look for me just inside the door! Remember, you don't have to be a lady or part of the "Night Out" event just to pickup a tasty coffee drink or one of my books! Hope to see you there!

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