Whirlwind Adventures
So there may be a few folks who noticed that there wasn't a Blog last Friday. Others may be scratching their heads at the fact that this...
Practicing Priorities
Allow me to start this Blog entry by acknowledging that this is probably one of the most hypocritical advice topics I will probably ever...
"How's Your Book Doing?"
People are marvelous. They're interested. They're supportive. They're excited to hear about your progress. It's one of the perks of...
Fran Reitz, a reporter with the Courier Tribune Newspaper in my hometown of Seneca, KS is writing up an article to discuss a hometown boy...
In Which I Visit KC and Meet a Delightful Celebrity
Let's start this off by clarifying what an extreme geek I am. I play World of Warcraft off and on. I've already bemoaned my extreme loss...