Practicing Priorities
Allow me to start this Blog entry by acknowledging that this is probably one of the most hypocritical advice topics I will probably ever...
The Joys of Cooking Your Family and Pets
cauldron crone for talisman by feliciacano at Deviant Art Yep. You read that title right. Or did you? Are you sure? How do you know?...
The Battles We Fight
You find an opening in the wall. At first glance it doesn't appear to be any different than the last thirty openings you've passed...
My Own Little World
Fantasy Landscape by Tyler Edlin I'm standing on a gray-stone bridge. The murky waters below flow along the reinforced channels, racing...
That Which Scares Us
Title Unknown - Daniil Kozlovsky (full image below) We all have things that scare us, unsettle us, or shake us to our core. Some people...
Regarding The Art of Wordsmithing
There's a common adage that can be applied to pretty much any endeavor, but I'll apply it here for the sake of this Blog: "If writing...