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Something Old and Something New: A Look Ahead to 2018

Father Time by Don Wolf

"Father Time" by Don Wolf

The count down is officially on. In (approximately) 52 hours, 2017 will be flushed down the loo and 2018 will be... well, it'll be...(sigh) *cracks open the schnapps and starts topping off the hot cocoa*.

*Sets the cocoa off to the side and starts drinking from the bottle instead.*

My area of the U.S. is looking to ring in the new year with sub-zero temps. I've stocked up as well as I can to ride it out. If that isn't a metaphor in itself for the coming year, I don't know how better to phrase it without being blunt. Given my policy of avoiding certain topics on this Blog, I'll have to leave it at that. Let's just say, the arrival of 2018 isn't anything I'm eager to celebrate.

That being said, I have a few things that I am admittedly excited about:

Book 2 WILL be done and ready to publish some time this spring (come Hell or high water, so help me).

I officially signed up for TopCon Geek Expo in September (Sat 15th and Sun 16th, Kansas Expo Centre, Topeka, KS)!

I'm also currently in the process of signing up for Little Apple Comic Expo's March show (LACE - March 10th AND 11th *two days this round!* at the KSU Student Union in Manhattan, KS)!

While the production of the audiobook has hit some unexpected delays, I found out that my producer, Jack Voraces, has been a bit preoccupied with his own special project in the works: He and his wife are expecting their first baby! Congratulations Jack and Meg! I'm super happy and excited for you both!

Once the production for Book 2 hits full swing, I have plans to slam out a short story from the Chronicles inspired by a suggestion from my author friend Lynn Main. This will probably be released on Kindle as a freebie (or at least super cheap) and offered in a limited print edition that will be available at conventions and by direct order. My hope is that I'll eventually have enough short stories to create a collected volume for mass production like the main books. This also gives me something I can start submitting to periodical publications to try and start building my brand and exposure. (Boy howdy, doesn't that sound fun?)

Wrapping up Book 2 will also mean the start of production on Book 3, a project I've been looking forward to starting (and dreading) for a while now. Book 3 will require some research on my part to handle the material properly, an opportunity that is equally intriguing and daunting. Dragons, elves, fantasy witches, werewolves - none of those folks get particularly miffed if you stick to certain stereotypes or preconceived notions (or toss them out completely). Failure to follow through on some research with the characters of Book 3 could lead to some unnecessary backlash and me looking like an ill-informed, presumptuous twit. Admittedly, it's my world and my rules, but when your secondary goal of storytelling is inclusivity and awareness building, you better do it right or be ready to deal with the consequences. (Plus, you know, learning things... Yay!)

As to the actual New Year's Eve? I currently anticipate it will be me, Self, and our boss huddling under blankets together, drinking cocoa, trying not to freeze, and watching movies or playing video games. Admittedly, I'll probably be completely oblivious to the time until some yahoo in the neighborhood starts setting off explosives at midnight. It may not sound like much, but it works for "us."

So however you approach your start to 2018, "Be Good, Be Kind, Be Careful."

Happy New Year's, Everybody!

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