The Power of Collaboration
I've always had an aversion to group projects. In grade school and high school I was always more worried about getting partnered with...
Finding a Voice
The guides and gurus of the publishing world all say the same thing. Create a great story, give it a professional polish, and put it out...
"Wolfkin: A Fairy's Tail" is HERE!
It's been a long windy road to get here. There's been a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and profanity. There have been learning curves and...
The Light at the End of the Tunnel
Three hours... Three stinkin' hours I spent saving files, uploading files, fixing noted problems, breaking other things in the process,...
A Year in the Life
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of Ash to Ashes going to print. I wish I could say it was a big blowout of an event, but honestly...
Anniversary Shenanigans!
"Two Familiar" by Kent Willmeth (c. 2017) All right, folks. I've been wracking my brains trying to figure out how best to celebrate the...
All Stressed Up with Somewhere to Go!
Actual footage captured of me at the end of last week. First off, I apologize for the delay on Friday's regular Blog post. Between...
Into the Woods...
There's a cart. There's a horse. I may be putting them in the wrong order, but good golly am I excited! Last Sunday (2/18/18) I wrapped...
Something Old and Something New: A Look Ahead to 2018
"Father Time" by Don Wolf The count down is officially on. In (approximately) 52 hours, 2017 will be flushed down the loo and 2018 will...
The Double-Edged Blade of Success
"Excalibur" by Erulian There's this "funny" thing that happens when you accomplish a big goal. It's hard to notice at first. Depending on...