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Up in Smoke

This week...

I tell you what folks, if I've ever romanticized what it means to be a writer and author, I'd like to apologize. Clearly you caught me on a good day. I get a lot of comments from folks about how I get to set my own hours and how thrilling it must be to see my work in print. Don't get me wrong, those things are pretty great. I also don't miss working for somebody else or jumping through their hoops to meet expectations that I consider to be trivial or unrealistic B.S. But when it comes down to having to find ways to motivate and focus myself on a daily basis to do the things I need to do? Things stop being so happy and shiny. Being responsible for my productivity is a fulltime job in and of itself. This week, that job duty didn't go so well.

Let's be less harsh on myself than I typically would. In the case of this week's scenario it wasn't entirely my screwup that put me behind a week in my writing. On Monday morning I had to be up uncharacteristically early to have a filling redone on a difficult-to-access tooth. I'm still dealing with the healing process on that one even with the remarkable care given by the dentist who did the work. The screwed up sleep pattern and need for physical recovery, though, set off a domino effect throughout the rest of the week that pretty much pooched any legitimate hope of productivity. (In that regard, there's definitely something to be said about being held accountable to an 8-5 schedule by a soul-stealing overlord.) Add to that the holiday on Wednesday (7/4/18), an unexpected revival of an old gaming addiction (WoW), and a general lack of creative drive, and this week was pretty well shot right along with my novocain-laced gums.

This weekend is a chance to reboot and refocus. Next week will be spent prepping for the Signing Event on Saturday, July 14th at Cornerstone Coffee Haus in Seneca, KS (10 am to 2 pm). Hopefully I'll get my wordsmithing groove back in the meantime. It's utterly frustrating knowing that there's a story to be written and not having my gears fall in place to get moving with it.

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