Back on Track
Hi! Hello! Hola! Aloha! Yes, folks, it's me again. I have come back from the digital dead to clickity-clack my way back into the wild...
Whirlwind Adventures
So there may be a few folks who noticed that there wasn't a Blog last Friday. Others may be scratching their heads at the fact that this...
Focus Interruptus
Francelle Garrote - "Goblin" Sitting down to write this week's Blog has ended up being a perfect metaphor for the progress I've made this...
Digital Art Tree Silhouette by Natalie Kinnear All right. All right. I get it. "Where the hell is book 3, Jonesy?" And you're right. This...
The Battles We Fight
You find an opening in the wall. At first glance it doesn't appear to be any different than the last thirty openings you've passed...
The Ground and the Flurry
For those of you who don't know, I live in Northeast Kansas, USA. It is now the second day of March. I had to cancel plans to play D&D...
That Which Scares Us
Title Unknown - Daniil Kozlovsky (full image below) We all have things that scare us, unsettle us, or shake us to our core. Some people...
Standing Still While Moving On
It's a classic line. It's versatile in its application and so universally understood that most readers and media consumers no longer need...
Waiting Game
It seems like most of our time is spent waiting for something - lines at the grocery store, stop lights to turn green, results for...
Moving Target
"Archer" ChateNoir on I was recently asked, "How do you keep yourself motivated as an independent writer?" In the heat of...