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Year in Review

New Year's Eve is on the horizon. It's a time for "Best of" and "Worst of" lists. It's a time to remember those we've lost. It's a time to revisit our accomplishments and challenges. It's a time to pause and look back at how far we've come (and hopefully grown). It's a reminder to look to the future and decide what goals we want to pursue. It's a chance to evaluate, review, and learn from our experiences.

A new year brings with it the promise of fresh starts and new beginnings. It gives us license to hit the reset button on our lives. It allows us the opportunity to set goals for improvements and offers a burst of motivation to pursue those changes. It allows us to ask ourselves, "Who do I want to be, and what do I have to do to get there?"

As for me, 2018 was a pretty big year. I published my second book. I wrote two short stories (publishing one of them as an e-book). I wrote and published my first novella. I did two area conventions and a handful of signing events. I've continued to make progress on Book 3, even if it isn't as far along as I would like it to be at this time. C. Robert Jones, the author, has accomplished quite a bit.

C. Robert Jones, the person, has had a pretty noteworthy year as well. I started a regular exercise routine and made major dietary changes. As a result, I managed to stave off the prediabetic condition I was hit with this summer and lost 40-50 pounds (depending on when in the year you start tracking from). I donated blood twice this year only to learn that I wasn't recovering red cells fast enough between donations. I was then scolded off of donating by the first of two specialists I would see this year. The second specialist didn't seem to think there was anything of interest in my chart, but was happy to clip me $300 for the 15 minute consultation just the same. That was kind of the pattern I saw through the summer and fall.

As a result of medical consultations and tests, costs for multiple publications, and general life expenses, I hit the point where I realized that my current trajectory is no longer sustainable to support my original plans. I started looking at potential job opportunities in my area. The first one was a major miss (reportedly I was too late in my inquiry). The second opportunity netted me an offer, but the hours and wages weren't feasible to meet my needs. The third opportunity is still pending after a lovely interview, and my hope is that the new year will come with a new professional story arc that will include learning, growth, and a reversal to the hemorrhaging that my finances have been suffering. This is an opportunity that I have been tracking for years, and I have a good feeling that it would be a positive fit for my skills and personality. Now I just have to hope that the interviewers agree.

For those of you reading that last bit and wondering, "But...but...WHAT ABOUT YOUR WRITING!", have no fear. I'm not giving up my writing pursuits regardless of the circumstances. I fully acknowledge that there may be a significant impact on my rate of progress, especially starting out. Schedule changes, adjustment periods, the strain of learning a new job will all very likely add delays to my production schedule. But, I made a promise to myself and a commitment to my readers. The Chronicles will be written no matter how much time it takes. The stories will be told. The adventures will continue. They have to. It's no longer an option for me to keep them to myself.

Whatever your goals for the new year, whatever you take with you from the past, I wish you a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous 2019! Make something amazing with it.


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