Writer Interrupted
This week has been an oddball experience as far as progress is concerned. Wolfkin is with my editor. Her last report indicated that she...
The Story So Far...
Fantasy Forest Wallpapers by Brinda It's exciting times here at the Chronicles. I made it through my first full editorial read through of...
Mental Blocks
So there I was, minding my own business, excited about where I was in the writing process, when suddenly... BLAMO! The week that should...
One Week...
In one week I'll be packing up my "booth in a box," loading up the car, and hitting the road to Topeka Kansas! TopCon Geek Expo...
The Taste of Crow
Well, it's the Friday after the 8/21/17 North American Eclipse. The world didn't end, I've seen no reports of a disaster connected to the...
Confessions of a Professional Procrastinator
A lot of this post may sound familiar. I think it can be said that, while I pick up on concepts quickly, I am, in truth, a bit of a slow...
Self-employed = Self-motivated
So, I have a confession to make. My name is C. Robert Jones and I'm a procrastinator. There, I said it. I feel so much better about......