The end of the day Free State Comicon 2017 I'm fried. I should probably skip the update and crawl into bed, but I feel compelled to share...
"How's Your Book Doing?"
People are marvelous. They're interested. They're supportive. They're excited to hear about your progress. It's one of the perks of...
Taking a Bite Out of the Little Apple
Willy the Wildcat, Friend to Geeks and Athletes Alike It's the day after Little Apple Comic Expo (Sept 23, 2017, Manhattan, KS, KSU...
Ride of the Valkyrie
Saturday (September 9, 2017) was day one of TopCon Geek Expo. It was my first convention as a vendor/author. It was the first time I had...
In the Good Ol' Summer Time...
So earlier this week I put a big "I've got a secret, check out Friday's blog to find out what it is!" message blast on my Facebook...
Coffee Haus Chronicles
So it's been two days since the signing event at Cornerstone Coffee Haus. I'm sure those of you that read my last blog entry, fueled with...
T'was the Night Before...
It's Friday, June 23, 2017. It's a target blog day. As many of you know by now, this would typically mean I'd be plotting some witty or...
The 100!
So, I've been running around like a crazy person this week. Well, crazier, anyway. Fortunately that doesn't involve me forgetting to wear...
So in addition to today being the big one month anniversary of Ash to Ashes going to print, I've had two other major updates: 1. "I Did...
First off, let me say a huge "THANK YOU!" to everyone who has purchased or recommended "Ash to Ashes"! You folks are awesome, and I...